
Enderal all the dead souls
Enderal all the dead souls

enderal all the dead souls

'The Word of the Dead' (MQ07a): Fixed an issue in which Jespar wouldn't be present at the Myrad Tower at the Western Cliff.'The First Steps' (MQ03): Fixed an issue where the player would have a broken arrow after reequipping a bow.'It Starts with the Dreams' (MQP03): The helpmessage of the puzzle won't be displayed after inserting the key.'Hidden in the Puzzle' (NQ40): Objectives will work as intended.'Like Newly Born' (NQ22): Added an objective so that the player knows what to do after finding all pages of the journal, however it doesn't point to the Apothekari.'Put Off the Evil Hour' (NQ21): An objective will be displayed properly after talking with Kabar about the Rhalâta.'Trails of the Past' (NQ19): The note now works as intended: It doesn't start the quest a second time if the player has already talked to Tiwon about the quest and starts the quests properly if you read about the quest the first time.'Divide and Conquer' (NQ12): Fixed typos, vocals and topics.'The Sole Place' (NQ11): Fixed a dialogue duplicate.'Elfriede' (NQ10): Eshra does no longer walk away while talking to the player after setting Elfriede free.

Enderal all the dead souls